Factory Projects


Yield is one of the most important factors to processing profitability. Yield is the difference in weight between raw material input into a process and the finished packed and saleable product.
It isn't unusual for us to be able to find between 3-5% increase in saleable yield in factories located in developing areas of the world and the financial implication to these gains are enormous.  

In recent years we have had many major successes in developing parts of the world with regards to improved yields. Often, when factories were built or expanded, budgets were very restricted and, due to this, investment didn't go to the right areas that heavily influence yield. But even in the most modern, high throughput factories we almost always find ways to improve yield. In a poultry processing factory, yield is potentially lost at every stage of the operation. In fact, yield loss starts on the farm the very moment live chicken are caught for transportation to the factory.

Hawley Associates are world leading experts in yield loss reduction. In short we will find cost effective ways of increasing your factory yield and improving factory profitability. In modern, high throughput and heavily automated factories, even a tenth or two of a percentage increase in yield can be incredibly valuable. Often these gains are very challenging to find but it is extremely rare that we can’t find worthwhile gains for even the most modern processor.

How much profit are you loosing every day from avoidable yield loss? How can you resolve this?

There is a simple solution. Invite our lead consultant into your operation for a few days and let us see what you are missing.


Costs start from the time live birds are caught on the farm but don’t generally finish until after processed products have been delivered to your clients. Spoils and returned product all add to costs.

Our specialists here at Hawley Associates will identify ways for you to reduce your costs of production right from the time of live bird catching all the way through your processes right through to the reduction in customer returns. Below are some of the key cost areas we will evaluate:

  • Live bird catching, transportation, damage and mortality
  • The processing efficiency at every stage of the factory operation
  • Labour and staffing costs within every area of the processing factory
  • Costs and materials used for packaging
  • Water, electricity and other service costs
  • Maintenance, spares and repairs
  • Condemned and wasted materials

Once these key areas have been evaluated we can identify cost effective ways to reduce your cost of production and assist you with the implementation.

Whether you are an independent poultry business processing 25,000 birds per week or a fully integrated PLC producing several million birds per week, we have over 30 years’ experience working with poultry processors of all sizes, helping them to improve their processes, costs and products and introduce changes that have a real impact to their profits.


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