Project Management


Our in-house team primarily focusses on the processing side of the industry and overall project design and development. We do however, have a high level of knowledge in all aspects of poultry production from egg to table. We have an excellent and very strong network of associate consultants who we bring into a project as necessary. All our associates are true, world leading experts in their own speciality and must have at least 20 years industry experience before they come and work under the Hawley Associates umbrella. Our team can offer expert help and advice around the following specialisms.

  • Grand parent and parent rearing and breeding
  • Broiler rearing
  • Hatchery design, development, operation and troubleshooting
  • Feed mill design, development, operation and troubleshooting
  • Poultry nutrition
  • By product and poultry waste processing
  • Poultry processing and further processing
  • Poultry business development


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